Fit-bit data analysis

Analyzing fitness tracker data to gain insights into usage trends. I explore the kind of activities people do when wearing fitbits, like walking, running or sleeping and how these affect wellbeing. The identified trends can help device a market strategy

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Ringtail (cacomixtle) geographic distribution

This charismatic mammal that is present exclusively in North-America. We mine the geographic distribution present in the GBIF database using the rgbif api. We have some fun with maps plotting exploring the presence of Ringtails in North America in general and in Mexico City in particular

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Previous scientific work

A collection of the work I did in my PhD (Cuernavaca, Mexico) and Post-doc (Munich, Germany)

Planar cell rotations

Cells in the zebrafish rotate 180° right after dividing. We examined this process from microscopy video like the above using machine learning image segmentation, logistic regresion and network analysis. We published our findings in the journal Development under open access. Go check it out!

Learn more (Article) Learn more (GitLab Repo) twitter spotlight

Germline development in the zebrafish

Barely a few hours after fertilization, the cells that will give rise to gametes in the zebrafish have already been specified. In a strange sort of fractal way, the fertilized egg segregates messenger RNAs to specific granules to determine the next generation's eggs (or sperm). I did this for my PhD work in Cuernavaca

Article Developmental Biology (Open access) Book Chapter (Paywall)